This is a copy of an article I submitted to the local news media. I felt that our Studio did a good thing for Blake Kitchen; it came from the heart. We didn't do it to seek publicity. But after much consideration, I wrote this article for two reasons: (1) I am proud of each and every student who took valuable time away from their own lives to encourage and support a boy whom none of us know personally, but who just as easily could have been one of us. You are the future of Martial Arts ... not just in Northeast, PA but anywhere you go. It is nice knowing that the future will be one of not just fighting skills but compassion, respect and community involvement; and (2) to highlight the tragedy of bullying. As I said in the article, bullying is an epidemic in this country; it affects millions of people of all ages, races, economic backgrounds and from all walks of life. Having experienced bullying in my youth, that breaks my heart.
Thank you for reading and, of course, please feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments. -- Master Gary R. Barnes
Thank you for reading and, of course, please feel free to respond with your thoughts and comments. -- Master Gary R. Barnes
(FORTY FORT) What was it about an incident of bullying that occurred 900 miles away in Liberty, Missouri that motivated a Martial Arts instructor from NEPA to mobilize his students and their families to write cards and letters in support of the victim?
“When I was young I was bullied, too, mercilessly. I have students who were bullied. I personally know victims of bullying. So when I read Blake’s story on March 7, my heart went out to him,” says Master Gary R. Barnes, owner of Barnes Martial Arts in Forty Fort. “Like Blake, other victims of bullying – myself and some of my students included – know all too well what it is like to live in fear and to have those fears ignored by school administrators, who should know better. His experience deeply moved me.”
Blake Kitchen is a 12 year old sixth grader with Asperger’s Syndrome (a form of autism) at Liberty Middle School who was severely beaten by a school bully. The incident occurred when Blake arrived at school for breakfast. He took his usual spot in the cafeteria when another boy – an 8th grader who at 200 pounds outweighed Blake by nearly 125 pounds – moved his belongings and took his seat. When Blake asked him to move, the other boy responded violently. The beating was so bad that it left him with a broken jaw, fractured skull, cuts and contusions and cerebrospinal fluid leaking from his ear. At one point the bully smashed his head off the cafeteria table until he passed out. Blake spent five days in the hospital and may require further surgery to repair damage to his ear.
“Bullying is an epidemic in this country,” says Barnes. “And like rape, it often goes under-reported.”
Because of the level of violence and lack of participation by school officials, Blake’s story is one that received national attention. Unfortunately, though, it is not atypical. The Bully Project, estimates that this year alone over 13 million American kids will be bullied at school, at home, on the bus and on their phones and computers. 3 million students are absent each month because they feel unsafe at school, and 1 in 4 teachers sees nothing wrong with bullying – taking the attitude that it is simply ‘kids being kids’, only intervening 4% of the time.
“What happened to Blake Kitchen could just as easily have happened here in Northeast PA,” Barnes cautions. “In fact, it has on a number of occasions. Blake Kitchen is us, is our children – I had to reach out to him and let him know that he isn’t alone.”
To that end, Barnes imparted the story and information to his students and their families, encouraging them to make and write cards and letters of encouragement. Barnes Martial Arts students and their families rallied to the cause by the dozens, contributing letters and cards signed by multiple students across different classes. Barnes broadcast the message on Facebook, by email and even going so far as to post online to the group page of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, of which he and the Studio are members. This resulted in even more cards and letters being sent from all over the United States and as far away as England and Australia.
“If by doing this we can bring a 12 year old boy a small ray of hope and peace, and perhaps shine a light on the epic problem of bullying, then I’d say we have done a good thing.” Barnes says, “Bullying, in a very real sense, is what initially brought me to the Martial Arts, and bully prevention has been one of the driving focuses of my Studio. In order to do our part, we have either partnered with or utilize material developed by several leading experts in the field – Dave Kovar of Martial Artists Against Bullying and his groundbreaking Done with Bullying program; Tom Callos of the 100method; The Bully Project, among several others. We are very serious about confronting this issue, and while we could not prevent what happened to Blake, by writing to him we can let him know that the whole world isn’t like the person who victimized him.”
“Every month the Studio engages in a Kindness Mission, a group project designed to balance the physical techniques, the self-defense aspects of the Martial Arts with compassion, respect, and community outreach. Because of the experiences that have informed my life’s work, this card and letter campaign is one of the most personal for me,” Barnes continued. “More importantly, though, our students – everyone from four year olds to adults – saw the value and really stepped up. We have a truly amazing group of people here. Entire families got involved. A space was created to open up a dialogue on the nature of bullying and its far-reaching effects. Our school motto is ‘Out of the Dojo, Into the World’ and the students really rose to that. I couldn’t be prouder; they are making a quite difference in their communities and schools."
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(Barnes Martial Arts Students Emma Lewis (l) and Barbara Lewis (r) and the cards they made for Blake Kitchen) |
So very proud of all the Martial Arts students who participated in this "Kindness Mission" project! Love for GOD and love for people is the answer to all of society's ills. I shared the link on my Facebook timeline. Blessings! ~Rev. Scott A. Gray