"Be Kind whenever possible. It is always possible." H.H., Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
I concluded that article with a quote by poet Maya Angelou, "People may not remember the things you say, or even the things you do, but they will always remember the way you made them feel."
At Barnes Martial Arts, we understand that if self-defense is truly "protecting ourselves from anything that would cause us harm", then Kindness is self-defense.
As a result, we feel that it our calling to radically redefine the concept of self-defense in the minds of the public to include Acts of Kindness. To that end, we have consistently required students to perform a minimum of 5 Acts of Kindness for Stripe and Belt Tests. As a member of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, we have undertaken monthly Kindness Missions -- some suggested by the Foundation, others of our own creation.
There is great power in Kindness. It changes lives, and it costs nothing to be a decent, compassionate human being.
With that in mind, we are announcing our most ambitious Kindness Mission ever: 10,000 Acts of Kindness.
Here is how it works: Beginning today, we are requiring each student -- adults as well as kids -- to do a minimum of 3 Acts of Kindness per day. Write down WHAT you did; WHEN you did it; and for WHOM you did it. Example: "I bought coffee and a sandwich for a homeless person on Tuesday, March 1st." When you have written down 25 Acts of Kindness, turn them in to Master Barnes and start on your next 25!
It is literally THAT simple. We will keep all of the Acts of Kindness sheets in a large folder and in 6 months, in September, we will tally them up.
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Never underestimate the power of a single act of Kindness |
Our goal is, obviously, 10,000 Acts of Kindness, but if we ALL take part there is no reason why we cannot substantially exceed that goal!
Let's look at some numbers in order to see just how easy it would be to achieve this goal:
Say we only have 10 students. If each student performs 3 Acts of Kindness each day, that is 30 Acts of Kindness per day ... 30 x 7 days/week = 210 Acts of Kindness per week ... 210 x 4 weeks/month = 840 Acts of Kindness per month ... 840 x 6 months = 5,040 Acts of Kindness in half a year.
That's just with 10 students!! Pretty amazing, right!!
Now watch what happens when all 40 of our students participate: 40 students x 3 Acts of Kindness per day = 120/day ... 840/week ... 3,360/month ... and ... WAIT FOR IT ...
... 20,160 Acts of Kindness in just 6 months!!!
That is over double our goal!!
Together, we can do this. We can leave a lasting, positive change on our communities and the world.
Maybe others will be inspired by our example to "pay it forward." Maybe our Studio will be the center of a movement that ripples outward, one nice act building on another and another.

I'm tired of hearing and seeing all of that negativity, aren't you?
What if, instead, we all made a concerted effort to be nice to one another? To actually, genuinely care about our fellow man -- not just SAY it, but ACT on it? What kind of world would it be if we ... all held open doors for one another? ... Let the person with just a few items go ahead of us and our overflowing shopping cart at the grocery store? ... Rescued pets from the SPCA and taught our children how to care for them? ... Made a real effort to say "Please" and "Thank you"? ... Shoveled a neighbor's driveway in the Winter? ... Or raked their leaves in the Fall? ... Or mowed their lawn in the Summer? ... Helped a co-worker with a project? ... Volunteered in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen? ... Bought a sandwich for a homeless person? ... Stopped to chat with a complete stranger? ... Read a book to an elderly person at an assisted living facility? ... Helped someone carry groceries to their car? ... Took a minute out of day to tell our spouse or brother or sister or parents, "I love you"? ... Thanked our car mechanic, or postman, or teacher, or the kid who works the drive-through window at McDonald's and told them what a great job they were doing?

Our world would be a better place.
We might sleep a little more peacefully tonight.
That doesn’t sound too bad at all.
In fact, it sounds pretty nice.
So 10,000 Acts of Kindness? ... Yep, I'm in!
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